Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.

It is as impossible to withhold education from the receptive mind as it is impossible to force it upon the unreasoning. - Agnes Repplierg

Education aims to give you a boost up the ladder of knowledge.

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. - Aristotle

He who opens a school door, closes a prison.

If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. - Ben Franklin

To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks.

To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself, is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.



Hey Guyz, Happy Monday. It's a new Month, MARCH is here. 2015 is really fast, don't you think? Well am just glad we all made it, so many pple have already lost their lives and we aren't better than them at all, God is just Faithful always. So today we are on a New Topic, New Month New Topic. So Let's get started!
Division of Labour is the co-operative specialization of labour. It dates back to as early as the start of civilization and was practiced by the Sumerians to group different jobs according to various skills of the members of the society. Division of Labour is historically associated with increased growth in total output and is viewed as the rise of Capitalism. It also helps to solve some of the complex industrialization processes. Division of Labour as explained by Adam Smith can be restricted based on the market extent. Adam has suggested that the bigger the market the higher the specialization. It can then be said that the Global market that we are currently enjoying has resulted to so much specialization. The conditions for Specialization to thrive on the global market are a free trade, free mobility and migration of labour. In Simplified Form, Division of Labour is the breaking down of production processes into smaller and separate units which allow for multiple small performances by different individuals and also machines. For Example, When Machine A mixes the batter and


Hey Guyz, Happy Friday. We made it to the last Friday of the month of February!!!. It’s such an honour to be ALIVE, don’t you think? So we didn't conclude the Topic- Basic Economic Problems- below is the conclusion of that topic. Pls Enjoy !!!.

1.     Market Demand- The demand of a particular set of goods and services by customers may encourage producers to produce more of these goods and services. No producer will ever produce what is not demanded by the market.
2.     Type of Economy- This goes a long way in determining the type of goods and services produced in a country. For Example, In a Capitalist Economy, the Price System determines the type and quantity of goods and services produced bearing in mind that, profit is the major determinant of what to produce, whereas in a Socialist Economy the state controls and directs the allocation of resources.
3.     Availability of Resources- When resources for production are available and affordable. Producers will be encouraged to produce, but when resources are not available there will be no production. Since resources are limited producers may not always have enough to produce



Hey Guys Welcome, hope you tried out what we learnt on your own? The key to being the best is practice, so practice as much as you can. Today we are going to continue from where we stopped.
                    RETURNS INWARD JOURNAL.
It is otherwise called SALES RETURN JOURNAL, and is used to record goods previously sold but later returned to the supplier or seller by the customer, for wrong color, wrong type, inferior quality or breakage. In the Ledger the Returns inwards account is debited, while the customer’s account is credited. I t looks like this.

                     RETURNS OUTWARD JOURNAL.
It is otherwise called PURCHASES RETURN JOURNAL, and is used to record goods returned to the supplier by a seller as a result of one reason or the other, like damages to the goods etc. In the Ledger, the Returns outwards account is credited, while the suppliers account is debited. It looks like this.



Hey Guyz, Happy New Week, this is the last week in the month of February 2015, so congrats for making it. God Loves You. So today we are focusing on the continuation of what we did last week. Let's get started.
# Constructive Industrial Occupation- This involves assembling of different parts together to get one product. It may be an Automobile or a Bridge or even a shoe. It deals with bring different parts together to form one thing.
This has to do with providing anything that is not a good or product. it many times is intangible. Services like Telecommunication, Teaching, Barbing, Manicure, Pedicure etc. These are services.
# Direct Services- These are personal services rendered directly to the clients. Services like Barbing, Manicure, Pedicure etc. These are services that deal with personal contact.
# Indirect Services- These has to do with services that are not rendered directly or personally. For example, The activities of the Civil Servants, The activities of the Custom Officers etc.
This is a process of Buying, Selling and Distribution of Goods and Services. It involves the combination of all occupations that are grouped under Trade and Aids-to-Trade.
This is the end of the Topic we began last week and the beginning of a new topic. Pls Enjoy!


Hey Guyz, Happy Last day of the week. Happy Friday, It’s a beautiful day don’t you agree?. Am just too grateful for life and Beauty.
 Let’s get straight to work.
Economics can be grouped into two major groups namely: Micro- Economics and Macro- Economics.
Micro- Economics refers to the branch of economics that deals with smaller units/components of the economy. It is the branch of economics that studies the economic actions of individuals, firms and governments. It relates to cost, output, production, pricing and the marketing activities of households, firms and governments. It is the branch of Economics that analyzes the market behavior of individual consumers and firms in an attempt to understand the decision-making process of firms and households. It is concerned with the interaction between individual buyers and sellers and the factors that influence the choices made by buyers and sellers. In particular, Microeconomics focuses on patterns of supply and demand and the determination of price and output in individual markets (e.g. coffee industry).


Hey Guys, today is a new day and we are going to have fun on the above mentioned Topics.
The Accounting Equation is the Fundamental Equation of the entire financial account. In order words, it the beginning of all equations in account as a whole, the Foundation.
1.     Assets are properties of a business. They are things owned by a business and are expected to be of Future Benefit. For example, Motor Van, Furniture & Fitting, Stock etc.
2.     Capital is the Total amount invested by the owner of a business. It is the Net Worth of a business.
3.     Liabilities are amounts of money owed by a business to outsiders. For example, Bank Overdraft, Creditors etc.
Therefore, the account equation is:
Assets= Capital + Liabilities

Example 1:
a)      550,000
b)          ?
c)       260,000
d)      140,000

       a)     Assets= Capital + Liabilities
             550,000= 200,000 + L



Hey Guys, Happy New Week. Okay this past Saturday was VALENTINE'S DAY. So this is Edu-Made-Easy Blog Crew wishing you a Happy Belated Valentine's Day....

LOLZ, So back to business. We ended our Commerce 101 Session last week with some WAEC {West Africa Examination Council} Questions which are repeated below along with the correct answers to them. These Questions are to help Simplify the process of Understanding and Learning this Topic, so we should take them very seriously Guyz....
1. Production ends when Goods? (WAEC 1989)
ANSWER: And Services reach the Final User.
2. If a Business Man imports stock fish with a view to exporting them to other countries, this form of trade is known as? (WAEC 1989)
ANSWER: Entre-port Trade.
3. Buying and Selling of Goods and Services within the Geographical Areas of a Country is called? (WAEC 1989)
ANSWER: Domestic Trade.
4. Are Warehouses established to avoid changes in prices from resulting in shortage? True/False (WAEC 1989)
5. Is the Retailer the Last Link in the Chain of Distribution? Yes/No ( WAEC 1989)
So on to the Topic of the Day, we are rounding up our previous topic and beginning a New one.
1. Lack of Sufficient Capital- Like this is very relatable, without Money Business can't be and when Business can't be then Commerce is DEAD. so for Commerce to be Alive then Business has to be Alive, and for Business to be Alive Money otherwise called Capital has to be on ground. Most times also the Capital can be Materials and Machineries which can also be lacking and this is not good for Commercial Activities.
2. LOW LEVEL OF EDUCATION- This can also affect Commerce because ignorance of a Business person about the industry his involved in might limit his activities and slow down Commerce. For example, If a Farmer is ignorant of the Modern Equipments and Techniques in Agriculture, then he would be grounded and so will the commercial activities in his environment.
3. CONSTANT CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT- This is a factor that is not too considered but the truth is with the change of governments laws change, new laws are enforced and some businesses are favoured in one Regime more than the other and this can make Business(es) suffer and in turn Commerce suffers.
4. LACK OF WELL-DEVELOPED AIDS TO TRADE- This has to do with the Country's General Development in terms of- Banking, Transportation, Communication etc and most of it has to do with Enabling Laws being made available in the Country and the absence of these 'Enabling Laws' can affect Commerce deeply.
This is any Economic/ Productive Activity which people engage in, to create/ procure goods and services in order to make a living. For example- Teaching, Buying and Selling etc.
* Industry
* Commerce
* Services
These are all the activities that concerns with the physical production of goods. here, people engaged in extracting raw materials from sea or soil and change them into finished goods.
# Extractive Industrial Occupation- This involves the getting of the raw materials that when processed is turned into finished goods, that gets to the final consumers. This is making available the raw materials to be used for production and can also be referred to as the PRIMARY STAGE OF PRODUCTION. This includes activities like- Farming, Mining, Forestry etc. As said earlier it involves getting materials from the sea or soil.
# Manufacturing Industrial Occupation- This involves processing and turning of Raw Materials into Finished Goods, like I humorously say 'This is where the MAGIC Happens' lolz. This involves taking the Raw Materials gotten from the Primary Stage of Production and turning them into Finished Goods that can be Distributed to the Final Consumers, and this activities include- Plastic Making, Shoe Making, Textile Making etc.
This brings us to the end of today's session. Hope this was very helpful to you, leave a comment of what you think of this tutorial and of your questions below. Have a Blessed Day and Remember You are Amazing. God Bless.