f 05/06/15 ~ EDU-MADE-EASY BLOG

Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.

It is as impossible to withhold education from the receptive mind as it is impossible to force it upon the unreasoning. - Agnes Repplierg

Education aims to give you a boost up the ladder of knowledge.

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. - Aristotle

He who opens a school door, closes a prison.

If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. - Ben Franklin

To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks.

To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself, is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.



Hey Guys, It's a New Day again, hope your day yesterday was awesome cos mine was.  Well for today we are beginning this course afresh like the others we are revisiting what we have treated in order to better digest it.
Petty Cashbook is the book for recording small expenses. The rational behind the system is to reduce the numerous cash payments for small expenses. Example- Postage, Stationery, etc. The System for recording petty cash transactions is called Imprest System. In this system, a specific amount is given to cashier to start off accounting period. This specific amount is called Cash Float. The Source documents for petty cash book are involved receipts and vouchers. At frequent intervals he must be reimbursed for the cash disbursed for the period concerned thus bringing the cash balance to the formal amount.